

Python [Open Source at tyiannak@github]

pyAudioAnalysis A Python Audio Analysis Library for: feature extraction, classification, silence removal, clustering, segmentation, thumbnailing, etc
deep_audio_features Training an using CNNs on audio classification tasks using pytorch
amvoc A Python Tool for Analysis of Mouse Vocal Communication
multimodal_movie_analysis A Python Tool for Analyzing movies using multimodal machine learning
paura A Python tool for recording and analyzing audio in an online and realtime manner
auros A ROS framework for audio analysis using Python
pyTextClassification A Python library for training and using classifiers for textual documents
pyImageClassification A Python library for basic image classification using hand-crafted features

Matlab [Open Source at Mathworks File Exchange]

Matlab Audio Analysis Library The MATLAB code of the book "Introduction to Audio Analysis, A MATLAB Approach"
Silence removal in speech signals A simple method for silence removal and segmentation of audio streams that contain speech
Image Processing GUI A GUI demonstrating some basic image processing functionalities
Image Query Demo A simple query by image example method, based on HSV values
Real Time Microphone and Camera audio-visual analysis A demo for real-time audio and image processing
Color Detection Using HSV Color Space A simple method for training and testing a color detection

Matlab - Binaries (closed source)

Not available in the Mathworks website. Need to have the Matlab Component Runtime installer installed.

Speech - Music Discrimination Used for automatic segmentation and discrimination between speech and music of audio streams. Underlying method published in journal [2] (see Publications).
Multi-class Audio Segmentation Used as a demo for multi-class audio segmentation of movies. Focus was paid to violent content of movies and respective audio sounds (e.g. gunshots).